An endowment is one of the most powerful tools a nonprofit organization can leverage to build towards the long-term financial sustainability of its mission! The idea behind an endowment is simple– investing assets to create, over time, a steady and dependable source of revenue from returns that can support the critical work your organization already does and elevate it to the next level. The establishment, management and growth of a successful endowment, however, is a complex process and takes leadership, discipline, diligence and follow through. One of AMCF’s core missions is to promote and support the establishment of endowments for nonprofit organizations, with value-driven investing and excellence in stewardship being at the center of our service. Learn more about our hosted endowments (link to tab), how to open an endowment (link to tab), our National Muslim Endowment Council (NMEC) (link to tab) and our endowment resources (link to tab) on this page!
Feel free to reach out to nonprofitengage@amuslimcf.org for further inquiries or information