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[AMCF News] Announcing 2 Grant RFPs, How to Get Funds, Set up a DAF & more


The one donation to rule them all; your Donor Advised Fund can do the rest!



AMF Announces Two Grant Opportunities!



AMF has a microgrant opportunity for organizations coordinating Census outreach efforts for Muslim communities in Alameda or Marin counties in California. You may be eligible for some funding.


Have you considered an endowment for your nonprofit but don’t know how to get started? Your nonprofit can now apply for seed funding from AMF in the amount of $5,000. AMF is selecting three organizations by April 2020. 


Learn more about these exciting opportunities.




Census 2020


Are you focusing on Census 2020 Outreach? You can use our national Muslim Census Outreach site/form for your benefit. If you’d like to use our form, let us know and we’ll pass on your referrals to you. We’re coordinating a national strategy call on Tuesday February 11 at noon.





Want to Receive Donations from AMF?

Your nonprofit organization can sign up on our website to be vetted and added to our online database, a service that we provide to donors to help them find causes and organizations to support, which is available for you to peruse.






Host AMF in 2020



Invite AMF to your community or your living room! We rely on the generosity of our donors and allies to promote our work. If you’ve benefited in any way, help introduce us to others in your network. Whether you are a nonprofit receiving funds or setting up an endowment, a family participating in a Giving Circle or donating through a Donor Advised Fund, or someone who just wants to represent Muslim philanthropy in a more strategic way, we would love to visit.


We’ll be in San Diego February 24-28, Pittsburgh April 1-2, Washington, D.C. April 3 and 7, New York April 4-6, and Los Angeles April 10-12.


Connect with us so you can make the most of your Ramadan giving.





Join a Giving Circle



A Giving Circle is a form of philanthropy where groups of individuals donate their own time & money to a pooled fund, deciding together which nonprofit or community project to fund.


AMF is currently operating several Giving Circles:

  • Bay Area Giving Collective
  • Fantasy Football for a Cause
  • Interfaith Giving Circle Confronting Hate
  • Woodlands Endowment for Lifelong Learning

Collectively these Giving Circles have donated over $175,000 to charities they’ve selected. If you would like to start or join a Giving Circle in your community, let us know!





Setup a Donor Advised Fund (DAF)




A DAF is a giving vehicle that provides you with immediate tax
benefits & allows you to support your charities of choice through grant recommendations on your own timetable. Watch this video to learn more.


Join over 65 families across the country that are transforming Muslim Philanthropy in the United States. If you’re interested in setting up a DAF:

Here are some benefits of using a DAF:

  • Get one tax receipt for all your giving
  • Invest your balance for future growth
  • Easily donate appreciated assets and avoid a capital gains tax
  • Create a sadaqa jariya (ongoing charity) in honor of your family or a loved one to create a legacy
  • Pass on your DAF generation to generation





Become a Monthly Donor



Our goal in the next two years is to become fully sustainable from our recurring donations, administrative fees, and endowment. Will you help us achieve our goals?


Pitch in today to support our operations or endowment!




Follow Us on Social Media


Please help us amplify our voice online and expand our digital footprint by following, liking, and sharing our work!

American Muslim Fund
PO Box 1533, Fremont, CA 94538




Founded in 2016, the American Muslim Fund (AMF) is a grassroots, national community foundation in the United States focused on creating Donor Advised Funds, Giving Circles, distributing grants, and building endowments for the Muslim community.



Leading sustainable & strategic Muslim philanthropy for today & future generations. 


Cultivating donor giving and diversifying funding to advance charitable causes. 

American Muslim Fund is a national community foundation 501c3 nonprofit organization:
IRS Tax ID # 81-2936073. Review our finances online.

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