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[AMCF News] COVID-19 Response Fund for Nonprofits, Women’s History Month Initiative, Grant Deadline Extended, & more


The one donation to rule them all; your Donor Advised Fund can do the rest!

MARCH 2020


New Name, Continued Commitment 


We are evolving our brand to better communicate the breadth of our commitment to advancing American Muslim philanthropy.



A Community Foundation is a publicly supported philanthropic nonprofit institution governed by a board, which serves its donors, the nonprofit sector, and the community. Watch this video to learn more






The COVID-19 Response Fund for Nonprofits



In response to the Corona Virus & the impact it will have on the ability for nonprofit organizations to fundraise over the next few months, AMCF has created the COVID-19 Response Fund for Nonprofits to allocate funding to organizations impacted.  


You can learn more and contribute on our LaunchGood campaign. Should there be a stimulus check sent out, and you are not in need of the funds, this is a perfect way to pay it forward to help those in need.



Women’s History Month Initiative 



In honor of Women’s History Month, AMCF selected 15 organizations from our Nonprofit Directory to support.


Browse through the causes and donate directly to the causes of your choice.








Extended Deadlines for Census Outreach

& Starting Endowments Grants


Since the original deadlines aligned with the Corona Virus outbreak receiving media attention and with the CDC’s restriction on public events, many nonprofits were focused on internal policies and updates. To alleviate the pressure, AMCF decided to extend the deadline to Sunday March 29, 2020


We hope that the additional two weeks allows for nonprofits to focus their attention on their operations and provides enough time to apply for the grant opportunity.  


Find out more about the Request for Proposals on our Grants site.


Host AMCF online


Invite AMCF to your community via your living room! We rely on the generosity of our donors and allies to promote our work. If you’ve benefited in any way, help introduce us to others in your network. Whether you are a nonprofit receiving funds or setting up an endowment, a family participating in a Giving Circle or donating through a Donor Advised Fund, or someone who just wants to represent Muslim philanthropy in a more strategic way, we would love to talk with you.


All of our previously scheduled events for Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., New York, New Jersey, California, Michigan, and Texas have been updated as webinars or postponed. You can still sign up and find out more on our events page. This will result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost revenue to nonprofit organizations. We hope you can help host a webinar with your friends to learn how you can make a difference.


Connect with us so you can make the most of your Ramadan giving.


#MuslimsCount2020 – Census & Past Events




AMCF is excited to partner with nonprofits across the country along with the U.S. Census Bureau nationally to focus on Muslim participation with the Census. We are encouraging the Muslim community across the country to fill out the Census on Friday April 3, 2020. Help spread us the word for #MuslimsCount2020 online. Visit to fill it out.


Also of note are our Recorded Events, most recently a Census 101 for Mosque Leaders.



Follow Us on Social Media


To stay up to date on our work in between our monthly email newsletters, follow us online. Please help us amplify our voice online and expand our digital footprint by following, liking, and sharing our work!

American Muslim Community Foundation
PO Box 1533, Fremont, CA 94538




Founded in 2016, the American Muslim Community Foundation (AMCF) is a grassroots, national nonprofit in the United States focused on creating Donor Advised Funds, Giving Circles, distributing grants, and building endowments for the Muslim community.



Leading sustainable & strategic Muslim philanthropy for today & future generations. 


Cultivating donor giving and diversifying funding to advance charitable causes. 

American Muslim Community Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization:
IRS Tax ID # 81-2936073. Review our finances online.

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