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Our resources going back into the community.


The American Muslim Community Foundation is currently updating its grantmaking initiatives. We will post any new open grant opportunities here once available. To see our past grant recipients, click here.


Past Grant Recipients

Strategic Funding Areas

AMCF is excited to announce our new six strategic funding areas, which will guide AMCF’s grantmaking priorities moving forward. We developed these strategic funding areas after thoughtful discussion, deliberation and research seeking to understand the needs of Muslim Americans as well as our communities at large. More information to come!

  1. Diversity and Inclusion in Muslim Spaces– grants to support the inclusion and meaningful integration of groups historically not represented or underrepresented in Muslim spaces, such as women, New Muslims, youth, differently abled, Black Muslims, Native American Muslims and Latino Muslims; Muslim spaces can include any spaces, real or virtual, that Muslims use to build connection and community, including but not limited to masajid, schools, youth & community centers, cultural & arts centers, professional groups, and more. Special consideration given to initiatives that have a demonstrated track record of effective diversity and inclusion efforts and initiatives that focus on inclusion of underrepresented groups in Muslim leadership.
  2. Uplifting Humanity at Home– grants to support giving a helping and healing hand to those most in need around us in terms of basic human rights to life, safety, food, shelter, etc across the U.S. Examples may include initiatives to provide social services, eliminate homelessness, hunger, and domestic violence, address needs of children in foster care, help victims of Islamophobia and bullying, address addiction, and promote mental health and wellness, and the like. Grants available for both direct services and campaigns for prevention, raising public awareness, and issue advocacy. Preference given to projects that combine immediate relief and more sustainable solutions for uplifting people from situations of need to rise to their full potential as strong and capable members of our community.
  3. Empowering Civic Engagement and Protecting Civil Rights– grants to enable, empower and elevate the participation of Muslims in civic life and defend the civil liberties. This may include voter registration drives, trainings, issue advocacy, legal services, and community education. Priority given to initiatives that serve particularly vulnerable groups, such as advocates, whose civil rights have been violated or are at high risk of being violated. This cannot include funding for political campaigns or lobbying activities.
  4. Education, Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship– grants to cultivate Muslim values-based education and leadership, particularly in innovative work and underrepresented fields such as STEM, the arts, entrepreneurship, marketing/design, technology, policy, advocacy, journalism/media, etc with a focus on linking this work with Islamic values and preservation and promotion of Muslim identity. Applicants may include schools, colleges, professional networks, or any nonprofit organization or center with programs or curricula promoting these areas. 
  5. Building a Global Ummah for Good– Support for nonprofits that thoughtfully work with communities around the globe to support their well-being and growth while understanding historical context and respecting cultural and social customs, religious practices, and other local norms. Initiatives should be committed to “walking alongside” community leadership and members to uplift locally-led solutions to challenges. Preference given to projects and initiatives that combine relief with long-term locally-empowered development, sustainability and self-sufficiency efforts. Priority given to  countries/regions with dire need under circumstances of persecution, injustice, war, natural disaster, etc. Applicants must be registered 501(c)(3) organizations in the U.S.
  6. Muslims as Khulafa’ (Stewards) of the Earth– grants for organizations or initiatives that promote meaningful Muslim engagement with nature or stewardship of the Earth in ways that align with Islamic values, such as seeing the Earth as a trust given to humans, using its resources wisely with accountability, protecting its natural beauty and benefits for all to enjoy and reflecting on the signs of Allah’s greatness in its creation. Stewardship initiatives may include environmental education programs, research and public awareness campaigns, environmental activism, clean-ups, climate change advocacy, preservation of wildlife and natural spaces, promotion of alternative energy sources, promotion of environmentally-friendly best practices, supporting ESG investing, and similar. Engagement initiatives may include hiking/camping programs, master naturalist trainings, children’s nature programs, community garden initiatives, and the like.