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2024 Giving Circle Nominees

Information on the amazing nonprofits nominated by the 2024 Giving Circle Cycle Members. We appreciate the time and energy our members spent in nominating one of their favorite nonprofits. Preference is given to organizations that are led by and/or supporting American Muslim women. Voting members will be able to vote on November 16th to choose the finalists


Muslim Women Professionals

Website:  https://www.muslimwomenprofessionals.org
Leader:  Sofia Haq, Founder & CEO

Why do you think this nonprofit should be funded by the Women’s Giving Circle?

“They are young nonprofit that is conducting educational, literacy building, professional development etc. programming for Muslim women in the US. The are working to establish a strong network where Muslim women can support each other through a myriad of ways.” (giving circle nominating member)

What is a key item our giving circle should know about this nonprofit?

“They are 100% volunteer run at this time and funding support will sustain their work.” (giving circle nominating member)

What is the core mission & vision?

“Our mission is to empower Muslim Women Professionals to thrive personally and professionally, lead with confidence, and positively impact their communities. We strive to embody a supportive and inclusive community through education, mentorship, and networking that promotes growth, fosters innovation, and builds resources for future generations.” (from the nonprofit)

Additional information

“As a professional organization for Muslim women, it has been difficult to receive funding especially in the past year with everything that has happened in the world. Funding from AMCF Women’s Giving Circle will make a difference to our organization and will serve as a stepping stone for us as we move into this next chapter of our journey. We hope to make you proud!” (from the nonprofit)

Read more from this organization’s application here
2024 Giving Circle Application & AMCF Women’s Giving Circle Nominee Application