Will you be at ISNACon?

AMCF’s Muhi Khwaja will be moderating an important panel at ISNACon this weekend on Islam and Philanthropy: Nonprofit Founders and Funders. Everyone has a cause they are passionate about. Come meet funders and founders of some great nonprofit organizations. Listen to their stories and explore research done by the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding on American Muslim Philanthropy.
Join Joohi Tahir of MUHSEN, Zaid Khan of the Center on American Muslim Philanthropy, Rashid Dar of the John Templeton Foundation and Muhi Khwaja of the American Muslim Community Foundation at ISNACon, Saturday August 31, 2019 at 11:30am-12:30pm in room 320A.
AMCF in Detroit & on the Road

American Muslim Community Foundation will be visiting the Detroit area at the end of September to teach a course of Developing Annual Sustainability. Participants will receive a certificate from Indiana University. This event is hosted by the Michigan Muslim Community Council and will take place at the Muslim Community of Western Suburbs ITT Campus in Canton, MI.
If you are a donor, nonprofit leader, or simply want to learn best practices, you’ll enjoy this class and walk away with more strategies and best practices you can help implement. You can bring this course to your community. Simply reach out to start the conversation.
We’ll also be visiting:
- ISNA August 30-September 2 in Houston, TX
- MUPPIES September 21-22 in Chicago, IL
- Your community!
Invite us out to your community by responding to this email!
Gift to donors
If you donated $100 or more to AMCF this year, we are mailing you a copy of Ghalib Victor Begg’s memoir, Our Muslim Neighbors, next week! Thank you to everyone who participated in helping us raise more than $50,000 in Ramadan.
Your support means so much to us and a gift of any amount is always appreciated. A special shout out to our monthly donors who keep AMCF sustainable!
Giving Circles
A Giving Circle is a form of philanthropy where groups of individuals donate their own time & money to a pooled fund, deciding together which nonprofit or community project to fund.
If you play in a Fantasy Football league, consider having the participants pitch in ‘for a cause’ and allocate funding to AMCF. At the end of the season, your league champ can select a charity of their choice! Join the movement by contacting us today about Fantasty Football 4 A Cause.
Want to get involved?
Over the last three years, American Muslim Community Foundation has been able to work with more than 50 Donor Advised Funds and Giving Circles to distribute over $1,000,000 to 116 charities. It’s remarkable what can be accomplished when we work together on a shared vision, to lead sacred, sustainable, & strategic Muslim philanthropy for today and future generations.
If you’d like to lend your skillset to our growing team, simply respond to this email to get involved.
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